
... The Sins of The Trinity ...


I have compiled this web site from email correspondence I have had over a number of months with my nephew who lives in Australia. He is very sincere in his devotion to the Trinity and is thoroughly convinced that Jesus is God notwithstanding the many proofs to the contrary that I have given to him from the scriptures

In my submission there is one page of this web site that I would urge everyone to read and that is the section on The Hope of Israel as this sets out the True and only Gospel that all the Holy men of God and true martyrs of Jesus down through the ages have had the faith to believe in and for which they were prepared to die in that hope. Hebrews 11:13 These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off were assured of them, embraced them and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.

What really amazes me is the fact that so many people have been convinced of the Trinity brought about the sword and not by the teachings of Jesus. 'Those who live by the sword will die by the sword'. Yet I know that many will disagree with me and go along with the traditions of man because the scriptures must be fulfilled that the 'Harlot' of Revelations (The Trinitarians) will fight against Jesus when He returns to set up God's Kingdom on Earth. Revelation 17:14 They shall fight with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them, for He is Master of masters and Sovereign of sovereigns. And those with Him are called, and chosen, and trustworthy. (Translation as per The Scriptures)

GOD Bless

see also: The Narrow way to Life

And: Christadelphians - Bible Believing People


Site Navigation

Foreword and Index
A foreword from the writer and links to the different topics

The Truth can set you free
A brief introduction to the topic

The Holy Bible
The Word of God and how we receive this Word today

How can God be Jesus or Jesus God?
The writers view on this subject

Seventeen Centuries of Deception
Consequences of the deception for so many years

Jesus the Lamb of God
The Lion of the Tribe of Judah

The Name of Jesus
Jesus the Messiah now sitting at the right hand of God

The Hope of Israel
The Simple Truth of the Gospel

Links to Various Bible Translations
Links to non-Trinitarian and Trinitarian Bible translations